It was through divine grace that the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa received Prophetic Intercession as a gift. This service was received in 2021, the year of the Pubuduwa jubilee. A very important step in this regard was the Pubuduwa receiving the book titled "PRAY LIFTING UP HOLY HANDS" authored by Chevelier Cyril John. In addition we were blessed to have this book translated into Sinhala by Ranjana Kaviratne amma.

Over the fifty year long journey of ours we have received many teachings through Swami thaththa. Through the guidance received The Mission Of Prophetic Intercessory Prayer of the Pubuduwa has grown. The enlightenment, spiritual strength and directions received for the Pubuduwa rhythm of seeking the will of God is truly immense.

The difference between traditional intercession and prophetic intercession is indeed large. In Prophetic intercession we are invited to become part of the redemptive action of God. The very first Prophetic intercessory group from the Pubuduwa a small group participated in an international workshop. Following this they extended their experience to the national intercessory group thus empowering them. The next step would be training groups for intercession at the large community, discipleship community levels