Kithu Dana Pubuduwa Logo

The main frame of the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa logo is a triangle. Within that triangle, the rest of the drawings are shaped and given meaning. Three parallel lines form the triangle of the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa. Every existence of man and family life in the universe expresses the existence of the Holy Trinity. Likewise, the triangle symbolizing the existence of (Communities) the Church, and the Triune Community of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is reflected.

The numbers 7 and 3 as well as 12 are numbers that reflect fullness. The small ones appear in two colours. Yellow colour represents “Divya – Deva” i.e. Holy Spirit. Blood colour means man – human activity. This two-colour flame when combined reflects the activity of the Holy Spirit that enfolds human beings and the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifested through the community of disciples. symbolizing the existence of (Communities) the Church, and the Triune Community of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is reflected.

An emerging lotus paints another picture that cannot be seen at once. That is, those twelve petals are twelve people who take a journey by joining hands and joining feet. It reflects the twelve apostles. The Community of Disciples (Sravaka Sangha), the Church, is the mystical body of the Risen Lord. The circular journey of the Twelve expresses the continuous, never-ending missionary journey of divine love. This lotus flower, which is opened to the sky and bloomed and awakened, has developed as a sacrifice offered to God the Father who resides in the highest glory.

The Pubudu logo symbolizes a dove descending from above in the centre. Also, a flying dove with extended wings is seen from the same centre. In the Old Testament Noah’s episode, the dove can be seen as the arrival of a new heaven and a new earth. (Genesis 9: 6 – 16) When Christ was baptized in the New Testament the heaven opened and a dove descended upon him (Mark 1:10). Accordingly, the dove that descends from the sky to the earth reflects the “Good News of a new heaven and a new earth” and the powerful divine activity of the Holy Spirit who brings that existence to the Holy Church engaged in the missionary journey of the New Testament. It also reflects the fact that the life of the Buddha is emanating from the life of the Community (Sangha) which extends from top to bottom and from below to the people through the activity of the Holy Spirit.

The Kithu Dana Pubuduwa logo was designed in the year 1975 by Chandra Keerthi Kularathne.